Arthritis Action

Organisation Contact Details
Aims & Activities
Founded in 1942, Arthritis Action is the only UK charity giving hands-on, practical help to combat the pain of arthritis through self-management and lifestyle advice. We offer people with arthritis a holistic self-management approach, looking at both the physical and mental aspects of arthritis.

Our self-management approach encompasses a wide array of services, including personal dietary and nutritional advice, and access to therapies with approved practitioners. We also offer people in various communities the opportunity to take part in self-management events and local groups. Through our approach, we help people with arthritis gain the knowledge and confidence to manage their condition themselves, and enjoy a more active life with less pain.
Main Address
56, Buckingham Gate, Westminster, London, SW1E 6AE, United Kingdom
Main Tel Number
0203 781 7120
Main Email Address
Kent Arthritis Action Group

Arthritis Action Groups offer education and information which may enable you to...

Quality Assured Provider
London Arthritis Action Group

Arthritis Action Groups offer education and information which may enable you to...

Quality Assured Provider
Kent Arthritis Action Group
Quality Assured Provider Volunteering Role
London Arthritis Action Group
Quality Assured Provider Volunteering Role