Change Grow Live Bromley Drug and Alcohol Service

Organisation Contact Details
Aims & Activities
Supporting Bromley residents who are either problematically using drugs and/ or alcohol themselves or affected by someone else's use. This includes children and young people.
Activities include 1-1 support, group work, counselling, aftercare, medically assisted treatment, access to mutual aid and harm reduction interventions.
Main Address
Regency House, 33-39, Farwig Lane, Bromley, BR1 3RE, United Kingdom
Main Tel Number
0208 2891999
Main Email Address
Bromley Drug and Alcohol Service

Supporting people either problematically using drugs and/or alcohol or affected...

Quality Assured Provider
Supporting our UK Armed Forces veterans

UK Armed Forces veterans have specific support needs. In comparison to the publi...

Quality Assured Provider
Bromley Drug and Alcohol Service
Quality Assured Provider Volunteering Role
Supporting our UK Armed Forces veterans
Quality Assured Provider Volunteering Role