Boys’ Brigade The adventure begins here! Packed with games, crafts and activitie...
We now have a community cafe which is open Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 9.30-2...
On 4th. Friday of the month, bi-monthly; 2.30 p.m. At West Wickham & Shirley...
On Tuesdays weekly from 12.30 - 1.30 p.m. At West Wickham & Shirley Baptist...
On 2nd Wed of the month meeting at 9.45 a.m. at the church A Gentle walk through...
On Tuesdays (during term-time) 9.45 a.m. At West Wickham & Shirley Baptist C...
Every Saturday from 9 a.m. 5 kilometre run Joining a local “Pa...
Pronounced “hoogah” Approx. once a month on a Saturday afternoon in a local home...
On 4th Wed of the month meeting at 9.30 at the church Walks through the Downs fo...
On 3rd Sunday of the month 2.30 –6.30 p.m. At West Wickham & Shirley Baptist...
A great place to make friends and enjoy games, crafts, cooking and a whole lot m...
We have many things going on in the week for senoirs. This not only provides opp...
As part of the HUB we run a baby bank to help those on a low income or who are s...
THE HUB is a brand new destination in West Wickham and Shirley. It consis...
Our academy is an opportunity to enjoy football together; with everything from s...
Our WWSBC Toddler Rhyme Time group runs on Thursdays. Complete with all your fav...
For just £5 a visit (maximum once a week) you can choose at least 10 items worth...
Massive inflatables, table tennis, pool, air hoc, pizza. All free.What more coul...