Messy Church

Led by Jo Gavin

Messy Church runs monthly on a Saturday 4-6pm with lots of Messy Fun - creative activities, craft, games, stories, puppets, songs and food! We also have Messy Harvest, Messy Light Party, & Messy Christingle.

Contact for more information.

Dates for Messy Church

14th May

11th June

Everyone is welcome! An adult must accompany children. Families and friends will sit together on a table. Refreshments will be available for parents and carers, with a meal for everyone at the end of the session.

Donations of £1.50 per adult and £1 per child (£5 per family) would be gratefully received.


Contact details

Organisation Christ Church Orpington
Address Charterhouse Road, Orpington, BR6 9EP, United Kingdom
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