CASPA Seniors


CASPA Seniors is a multi-activity youth club for autistic young people aged 12 to 16.

CASPA Seniors aims to be a place where young people can be themselves, feel safe, be accepted and make friends.

Each week there are different choices of activities on offer ranging from arts and crafts to cooking, drama to sports, pool to table tennis, as well as science. Those attending can pick and choose what they get involved in, or just hang out with friends.

Day and Time: Fridays (term time only) 7pm to 9pm

Age: 12 to 16

Location: The Link Youth Centre,

                    Midfield Way,


                    BR5 2QL


Contact details

Organisation CASPA
Contact name Dan
Address Midfield Way, Orpington, BR5 2QL, United Kingdom
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