We offer debt advice from trained advisers. Our 24 hour answerphone line is 0208 467 6715, or email chislehurstdebtadviceservice@gmail.com .

People can have money problems for all sorts of reasons - loss of job, breakdown in relationships, delay in the payment of benefits and so on. We offer free, confidential and independent advice from fully trained debt advisers. Chislehurst Debt Advice Service, which is affiliated to the Community Money Advice network, is supported by the Churches Together in Chislehurst and Bickely. Advice is available to anyone in the Bromley and South London area. We either meet clients at the Christ Church Centre or at a church or community centre nearer to the client.

Contact details

Organisation Christ Church Chislehurst
Address 40, Lubbock Road, Chislehurst, Kent, BR7 5JJ, United Kingdom
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