CASPA TOTs runs weekly during term time:

Tuesday's - The Pheonix Centre, Bromley

We are very lucky to have the use of a wonderful soft play room and a fantastic sensory room, as well as the creche area where we do crafts, sensory/messy play, have toys, books, dressing up, puzzles and lots more for parents and children to enjoy together.

After the first hour of together play we have snack time when we provide fruit, biscuits and drinks. Once the children are settled parents/carers are welcome to go to another room for the second half of the session to have a drink, biscuit and a chat. Parents and carers are able to share stories and experiences to support one another in a safe non-judgemental environment, whilst the staff and volunteers help the children to engage and develop their social skills.

We end each session with a story and a song.

Day and Time: Tuesday (term time only) 10am – 12pm & 12:30pm - 2:30pm

Please email to become a TOTs member.

For more Details contact Miranda at

Contact details

Organisation CASPA
Contact name Miranda
Address 40 Masons Hill, Bromley, BR2 9JG, United Kingdom
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