Apprenticeship Courses

JLT Training People

Electrical Apprenticeship

Electricians are likely to be responsible for the installation, maintenance and repair of electrical services.

Plumbing & Heating Apprenticeship

Plumbers put in, look after and fix the plumbing inside and outside buildings. The exact job depends on the employer, though all plumbers have the skills and knowledge to get the job done properly and safely.

Property Maintenance Apprenticeship

Gain the practical and technical knowledge required to work within the property maintenance industry.

Traineeships. Traineeships are pre-apprenticeship programmes that enable you to gain an insight into the different trades of the building services engineering sector.

Building Services Engineering Apprenticeships

These apprenticeships cater for a specialist branch of engineering within the construction sector.

ire, Emergency & Security Apprenticeship

The Fire, Emergency and Security Systems Apprenticeship will provide apprentices with a clear pathway towards becoming a fully qualified technician, engineer or installer of alarm, fire, emergency and security systems.

Engineering Technician Apprenticeship

Engineering Technicians look after and fix engineered systems inside and outside buildings. Engineering and electrical maintenance tends to relate to support in factories, warehouses and retail premises.

Gas Engineering Operative Apprenticeship

The Level 3 Gas Engineering Apprenticeship provides apprentices with the skills they need to become a fully qualified Gas Engineering Operative.

Functional Skills

Functional Skills maths and English are an essential part of every apprenticeship course

Visit our website for more information

Contact details

Organisation JLT Training People
Address JLT, 120-122, High Street, Orpington, BR6 0JS, United Kingdom
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