Irish Elders Outreach Service

Irish Community Services

We offer a culturally sensitive service to older Irish people in our community who are often reluctant to access the services of other larger organisations. Our experienced staff provide tailored and individual support with form filling, claiming benefits, pensions and passport issues, transport and housing.

We can help with:

  • Benefit Checks
  • Completion of all forms and on-going support through the claims process
  • Disability Benefits
  • Housing issues/benefits
  • Carers Benefits
  • Exemptions and discounts
  • Blue Badge/dial a ride/Taxi Card
  • Referrals for care needs or equipment
  • Health, wellbeing and more

In light of government guidelines surrounding coronavirus, we have had to digitalise many of our services. Our 'Elders Outreach' co-ordinator, Pat Richardson, explains the nature of the changes to this service...

"As clients cannot be visited at home in the present situation, I contact clients online and by phone to complete forms and I then post the forms to the client for them to sign with a pre-paid envelope to DWP. The RAG list of clients identifies clients most in need and we call them on a regular basis to give them support. We have tablet devices that we can distribute to clients who have no technology"

To arrange an appointment or just chat with one of our Elders Outreach team:

Anne Ryan

T: 0208 854 4466


Pat Richardson

T: 0208 854 4466


  Quality Assured Provider

Contact details

Organisation Irish Community Services
Contact name Pat Richardson or Anne Ryan
Address No 1 The Street, The Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, SE18 6ST, United Kingdom
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