Hospital Aftercare for Older People

Age UK Bromley & Greenwich

Hospital Aftercare is a six week package of practical and emotional support for people after a stay in hospital.

We provide short term support and practical help for people 50+ who are being discharged from hospital and live alone in the London Borough of Bromley. For many people, particularly those living alone, returning home after a stay in hospital or following an accident can cause anxiety.

We provide this free service as 1 visit per week, arranged flexibly to best suit the client, in their own home.

Unfortunately we cannot currently offer personal care.

Our aim is to support older people work towards self selected goals in order to regain their confidence and independence.

Referrals can be from health and social care professionals, older people themselves or their relatives.

  Quality Assured Provider

Contact details

Organisation Age UK Bromley & Greenwich
Contact name Hospital Aftercare team
Address Community House, South Street, Bromley, BR1 1RH, United Kingdom
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