Adult Education Courses for Carers and Older People in Bromley

Bromley Adult Education College (Kentwood)

Bromley Adult Education College (BAEC) delivers adult and community learning on behalf of the London Borough of Bromley and offers a range of courses for older learners and carers, from gentle exercise to cookery, arts and crafts, computing, clothes making and well-being techniques. Contact them for details of forthcoming courses. If you are a professional working with groups of elderly people or their carers, BAEC may be able to tailor a course to the needs of the group.
Location: various across the borough.
Price: courses are free for eligible learners.

  Quality Assured Provider

Contact details

Organisation Bromley Adult Education College (Kentwood)
Contact name Agnes Jeary
Address Serves whole of Bromley Borough (office:, Kingsdale Road, Penge, London), SE20 7PR, United Kingdom
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