BCWA recognises that domestic abuse may affect both women and men, and believes that no one should suffer from domestic abuse.

All BCWA locations are women-only spaces but men can be supported at the One Stop Shop or by the IDSVA service in Bromley.

What we do

We offer advice and signposting to male victims of domestic abuse in Bromley & Croydon. We listen to your needs, talk you through your options and help you access the right services. You can
 attend the drop-in One Stop Shop in Bromley. The One Stop Shop is held in a large public building, providing separate interview rooms for male and female clients.

  • attend the drop-in One Stop Shop in Bromley. The One Stop Shop is held in a large public building, providing separate interview rooms for male and female clients.
  • if at high risk, clients can be referred to the IDSVA service.
  • our partner DVIP run a perpetrator programme in Bromley for men who use violence in their relationships.

For more information about other charities services visit our website

Contact details

Organisation Bromley & Croydon Women’s Aid
Address PO Box 71159, London, SE20 9BW, United Kingdom
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