Open Kitchen began in May 2020. We had collected food from supermarkets for some time, through the Fare Share charity, with the aim of preventing food waste. From this food, we made meals for our Community Club, and then local hospitals. Later we delivered food to local residents living in food poverty or going through difficult times.

Opening Times

Tuesday 10 am - 11 am

Friday 10 am - 11 am

Sunday 4.30 pm - 5 pm

Contact Us
If you are in need of food, have donations to give, or want to offer your time as a volunteer, please contact:

Liesel Stanbridge

07511 876928  /

Also, do visit our Facebook page and leave a comment. We'd love to hear from you! 

Contact details

Organisation Christ Church Orpington
Address Charterhouse Road, Orpington, BR6 9EP, United Kingdom
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