Chislehurst Heritage Trail

Chislehurst Society (The)

The afternoon history group is excited to launch an interactive Heritage Trail of Chislehurst High Street. This project was the inspiration of the Chislehurst Rotary Club who had seen a similar trail in Bloomsbury in October 2013.

The generosity of the Chislehurst Rotary Club has funded the trail. 

Residents and visitors using the High Street can now discover for themselves the history of our shops and businesses via ‘Blue Plaque Stickers’ displayed in the windows.

Point your smart phone or tablet (with suitable QR code reader app) at the plaque and you will be taken to more information and old photographs of the place where you are standing.

The Chislehurst Society history group members have diligently researched the former occupants of several of today’s High Street businesses. Interested readers can find details of Cooling’s photographers, White and Bushell hardware merchants and Hong Kong Garden Chinese takeaway, made famous by Siouxsie Sioux and many others besides.

Not quite the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker, but very nearly.

If you’ve found this page from afar and/or are unable to visit the High Street, you can still follow the trail using the map below and its links to the individual sites.

Contact details

Organisation Chislehurst Society (The)
Address The Old Chapel, 3, Queens Passage, Chislehurst, Kent, BR7 5AP, United Kingdom
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