Bereavement Service

Living On

Living On supports children, young people and their families.

Our services include:

  • Working with schools
  • Support for families
  • Training for professionals
  • Buddy service
  • Grief groups
  • Family events
  • Help point

Grief Groups

We run grief groups for the whole family. These groups run for 6 weeks on a weekly basis. The aims of the groups are to bring families together who have all been bereaved.

We all meet in the same place but during the evening we will split into three groups: children, young people and adults in order to work age appropriately. These groups are available from eight months after your loss.

The groups are dramatherapy based and we look at difficult feelings, collecting memories, sharing stories and discovering ways to deal with our grief using age appropriate methods and techniques.


Our compassionate Buddies who are fully trained volunteers are here to help you talk to your children about their loss and support them and your family in the early days and beyond of bereavement.

You can self-refer to us or a health or education professional can refer a family when someone has recently lost a loved one.

We will be able to offer:

  • regular telephone support
  • email contact
  • face to face advice and support
  • resources for your child
  • online support

on how to talk to your child about the death you have experienced and how then to prepare for a funeral and the living on without them.

Visit here for more information and contact details:

Contact details

Organisation Living On
Address The Parish Room, Skibbs Lane, Chelsfield Village, Kent, BR6 7RH, United Kingdom
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