Angel and Friends

Organisation Contact Details
Aims & Activities

To ensure that information is accessible via various means online, in person (walk in surgery sessions), by telephone (presently through a mobile contact number) and via email.

It is Angel and friends’ aim to bridge the gap between local authorities, organisations and families of individuals with special needs requiring information and emotional support equally creating a sense of belonging to a caring community therefore eliminating isolation.
To improve and set up links and access to means which assist with the everyday challenges of caring for individuals with special needs and learning disabilities.


To provide a medium, a source of testimonials, experiences and advice based on real life events.
To assist with providing information relevant and bespoke to each child in relation to issues that affect everyday living, health, education, welfare, respite, etc., also by signposting and making referrals were applicable.
To assist with raising funds to support local community projects and activities which are needed and beneficial to both individuals with special needs and their families.
To create an online medium that is made sustainable through participation of families of children and individuals with special needs and learning disabilities.
Main Address
4, Watermint Close, Orpington, Kent, BR5 3NN, United Kingdom
Main Tel Number

Angel and friends is a local community group in Orpington setup  set up sin...

Quality Assured Provider
Quality Assured Provider Volunteering Role